Friday, February 5, 2010

A Giveaway to Help Haiti's Children!

I wasn't going to post for a while since I'm in FL, but I just read a post on one of my favorite blogs that I just HAD to share with you! You can find the post here, but in a nutshell, it goes like this.

Each comment on Jean Marie's blog is worth 25 cents, meaning she will donate 25 cents to Rescue Haiti's Children for each comment.
When you comment, you are also getting entered into a wonderful giveaway for a product from Natural Satin Skin, which is my friend Lauren Hope's natural beauty care business. She has WONDERFUL products!!!! I have a sugar scrub of hers right now that is heavenly! :-) And if you don't win, I encourage you to buy something from her, because all of her proceeds are going to Haiti through the end of the month!
You can also Facebook about the giveaway, or tweet about it or blog about it, and let Jean know and you will be entered again.

Click on the button below to read all about what Lauren is doing on her blog, and Please read Jean Marie's post on Sweet Life under the Savior and leave a comment! Or Two! Or Three! :-)

You can also follow Vision Forums team in Haiti if you aren't already, on Doug's blog.

"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our
God and Father is this:
to visit orphans and widows in their distress,
and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
--James 1:27