Bethany had her 9th birthday on June 30th while were there.
Brianna made her this dress. Her sewing machine broke right after she started on it so she ended up sewing almost the entire thing by hand! She did a beautiful job!
Brandon didn't want his picture taken....
There were lots of seashells on the seashore! :-) We enjoyed looking at some really interesting ones.
I zoomed in on Josh while he was swimming in the ocean and caught him making a really funny face! :-)
This is one of the streets in St. Augustine. The brick roads are really old! You can see where they have been worn down by horses feet.
This is a view of part of the court yard in the fort.
Josh wanted his picture taken in one of the lookouts on the roof of the fort. All of the ones we saw had a sign in front of them that said to stay out. He snuck in there really quick so I could snap his picture and then got out.
Then we walked to another lookout and saw that you are allowed to get in this one so I got my picture in there too. :-)
Mom and Dad and all the kids met us at Pizzalley's in St. Augustine for dinner that night. They have the best pizza I've ever had!
You can tell Beri was tired here! :-)
We took this picture while we were waiting for the ferry to be ready to leave.
This is my favorite picture of Providence from our trip! She is so cute!
On Independence Day Josh and I were able to go to a Tea Party with my family. It was pretty inspiring and a lot of fun. I have pictures from that too but that will have to be for another post!
I hope you enjoyed these pictures! Have a wonderful blessed day!